Let's go ECO!

Let’s Go ECO!

Eco- Friendly means Earth-friendly or simply not harmful to the environment. It may refer to anything that helps protect resources like water and energy. People nowadays are very aware of the bad effects caused by pollution, whether it is in air water or land. So many different things can negatively influence the environment, such as not using procedures when disposing of products. We can surely witness how our nature is struggling with extreme changes all over the world.

Most of us believe that we would still be able to lead a well-rounded lifestyle. It will be truly rewarding and beneficial to the future generations of Earth's inhabitants. Well, I agree that our belief won't be that easy and tough challenges may come our way as we strive to save our nature and our future. That is the reason why we should act now. Each one of us should set a good example to another.

To further discuss going "green", I have listed some factors below as a guide to help us live our everyday life while choosing to be Earth-friendly.


Products that are Eco-friendly prevent contributions to air, land and water pollution.It is now a mainstream, whether you are just looking for vegetables, electronics, to even a new home. Although there are some that claims to be "green", we should always be cautious in choosing the products that would allow economic development but has less impact to the environment and less harm to human life than the usual product equivalent. Green Products are:

  • Acquired from local resources or manufacturers.

  • Biodegradable or can be recycled as a is or as a new item

  • Durable, Energy efficient and requires low maintenance.

  • Free from toxic compounds or chemicals

  • Made of recycled materials from renewable and sustainable sources

Here are some that will truly be beneficial both to the user and to our planet.

  • Reusable Coffee Cups:

Coffee is something that we consume everyday. Imagine how many plastic cup (and lids) are used on a daily basis? Too much rubbish. Getting a reusable cup instead would not only lessen the amount of plastics used but will also be a huge savings for us and the environment.

  • Recycled Toilet Paper

Choosing to purchase recycled toilet paper as an alternative to non organic toilet paper is actually a good idea. Aside from the fact that it can be found from most stores, it is in fact affordable. I'm actually switching to use this instead since my little one tends to use a little too much of toilet paper. (great deal momma!)

  • Reusable Bags

Everyone of us has definitely experienced using plastic bags from almost every store we visit. I can't even imagine how many plastic bags are being used by each person around the globe in just a day. Regardless of that count, we realized that there are a lot of companies who offer recycled plastic products like shopping bags, sandwich and even trash bags.

  • Cleaning Products

The cleaning department is one of the most important factor to switch to "going green". Products such as bleach, anti bacterial soap and all-purpose cleaner are all hazardous ans toxic. Yes, with harsh chemicals, it definitely cleans the house, but it may be dangerous to our health and the environment. Companies have found a solution to this and produced cleaning products that are as effective as the traditional ones, but Eco-friendly and risk free. Cleaning companies such as Always Green Cleaning services has been providing service to clients using Green cleaning products. Their customers find it safe and effective, plus their house would smell amazing.

  • Eco-Friendly Technology

We almost rely our daily lives nowadays to technology. Computers, Televisions and Cell phones are our everyday companion. Nonetheless, these amazingly progressive products are hurting our planet as it requires electricity for charging or batteries, which has the same negative effect. It is time to switch to products that are Eco friendly like LED televisions, low light laptops and use of solar panel for charging our cellphones and all. It will not only save our planet but also our wallet.

  • Clothing

More companies are now producing environment friendly clothing. It is typically made from recycled materials, that provides more affordable products. Dyes, chemical, water and energy use are the factors that can be saved when we choose to support Eco friendly clothing.

Are you aware that when looking for products, there are some certifications that should be checked to verify that it is indeed "green"? Below are some that may help you on your next purchase


Green Seal Certified

This Certification ensures that the product meets leadership standards that are rigorous and science based. This can be found on anything, even on a coffee filter. It is a labelling program for building products , maintenance procedure and green operations that is based on a life cycle assessment.


Since 1993, this certification program for wood and paper products have been working to promote responsible management of the world's forests.



The United States Department of Agriculture implemented the National Organic Program for cosmetics and food. It indicates whether an agricultural product does not use synthetic fertilizer, irradiation or genetic engineering practices.


LEED certified

This certification was created in 2000 by the U.S. Green Building Council. It focuses on whole building sustainability which can be used by professionals and government agencies.


Energy Star

This labelling, formed by the joint program of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy, can be found on building products, homes, electronic and appliances.

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At first, we may see Eco- friendly products as more expensive, but when we come to think of it in the long run, these products are more cost effective because it tend to last much longer. It may seem costly as it is typically made from recycled materials that are durable.


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We can also experience personal benefits upon switching to the "green"life. All natural products can help us be away and safe from harmful chemicals such as BPA, Lead content, and all other dangerous chemicals that may cause other illness and and disease. We can make sure that with eco-friendly lifestyle, our families will be able to avoid risky additives and for us to improve quality of life in terms of age, disease, illness and even mortality.



One of our natural resources is water, and evidently, it is also being mistreated on a daily basis. Live greener by cutting off bottled water purchases, a water filter will help you save money for a long time and save the surroundings by lessening the use plastic bottles.

We are mostly aware of what is happening to our ocean and seas, even rivers. Humans are not the only inhabitants on Earth that need these resources we have. With that being said, Going green, will not only reduce trash on land and water but also save animals and other creatures especially the ones living under the sea.

Supporting Eco-Friendly campaigns and products helps not only us human beings to avoid wastefulness and energy and money, but it also helps our planet Earth. We contribute effectively in preserving the natural resources and save the environment from being misused and abused by going green. Let's be reminded about this everyday and set an example for others to follow and for the next generation to witness the beauty and wonders of Earth. Around of applause for your commitment to a better, sustainable living and building a brighter. Greener Future!